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Studies & testing done by Universities and Research Institutes around the world have shown that photo-catalytic oxidation, the combination of ultraviolet (UV) light and Titanium Dioxide (TiO2), inhibits the spreading of bacteria, viruses and mold in the air, as well as eliminates foul odors and smell.
This combination or process creates hydroxyl radicals and super-oxide ions, which are highly reactive electrons.
These highly reactive electrons aggressively combine with other elements in the air, such as bacteria and volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) which include harmful pollutants such as formaldehyde, ammonia and many other common contaminates released by building materials and household cleaners generally found in the home.
Once bound together the chemical reaction takes place between the super- charged ion and the pollutant, effectively “oxidizing” (or burning) the pollutant. This breaks the pollutant down into harmless carbon dioxide and water molecules making the air more purified.
This process (photo-catalytic oxidation) not only kills bacteria cells but also decomposes them. It has also been found to be more effective than any other anti-bacterial agent because the photo-catalytic reaction works even when there are cells covering a surface and while the bacteria are actively propagating. TiO2 does not deteriorate and it shows a long-term anti-bacterial effect.

As a comparison, TiO2 is 3 times stronger than chlorine and 1.5 times stronger than ozone.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warns that the air inside your home is five times more polluted than outside air. The EPA has listed indoor air quality (IAQ) as one of the top five environmental health risks today.
Airborne pollutants linger in the air leading to allergies, asthma, respiratory disease and infection. These pollutants live, breed, multiply and grow within your air conditioning / heating system and once airborne can pose a serious health risk.
Our Green UV G2000, Carbon-X, and Carbon-XM models are designed to zap these Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in the air as they pass through it, reducing the contaminated air particles before they enter the duct system and flow throughout the house.

This is accomplished through the photo-catalytic reaction created by combining our chemically coated filter with the UV light inside the UV light systems which zaps the contaminated air as it passes through the air- scrubber.
In a study commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy scientists found that photo-catalytic oxidation converted more than 95% of harmful VOC chemicals to harmless carbon dioxide and water molecules.
When properly integrated into your forced air system, our UV light systems have proven to be an effective method for preventing indoor air contamination from spreading throughout your home.
Being a health and environmentally conscience company, all our devices are ozone free!

How TiO2 UV Photocatalytic Oxidation Works

Photocatalytic oxidation is achieved when you combine UV light rays with a TiO2 coated filter. TiO2 refers to Titanium Oxide. This process creates hydroxyl radicals and super-oxide ions, which are highly reactive electrons.
These highly reactive electrons aggressively combine with other elements in the air, such as bacteria and VOCs. VOC is an acronym for Volatile Organic Compounds, which include harmful pollutants such as formaldehyde, ammonia and many other common contaminates released by building materials and household cleaners generally found in the home.
Once bound together, the chemical reaction takes place between the super-charged ion and the pollutant, effectively "oxidizing" (or burning) the pollutant. This breaks the pollutant down into harmless carbon dioxide and water molecules, making the air more purified.

Photocatalytic Oxidation (TiO2) Studies

Scientists from the University of Missouri-Columbia, Bacau Univeristy, Romania, University of Tokyo, Japan and Osaka Prefecture University, Japan conducted experiments testing the effectiveness of photocatalytic oxidation against harmful VOCs (volatile organic compounds such as formaldehyde and other known carcinogens). They found that destruction of these contaminates was nearly 100%.
Scientists working on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy found that photocatalytic oxidation air purification may be beneficial for the large-scale treatment of air in occupied buildings, while conserving energy costs. This is due to the fact that this technology destroyed VOC chemicals at a significant rate, even at high air flow rates. Their study indicated that photocatalytic oxidation could provide as much VOC removal by itself as compared to the expensive process of introducing outdoor air into the indoor environment, drastically reducing the need to channel outdoor air inside.
In another study commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy, scientists found that photocatalytic oxidation converted more than 95% of harmful VOC chemicals to harmless carbon dioxide and water molecules.